
Hawaii Visitors Bureau Wins National Social Media Contest

HVCB on FacebookThe Hawaii Visitors and Convention Bureau (HVCB) prevailed through several local and national rounds to win the “Social Madness” competition run by American City Business Journals, publisher of Pacific Business News.

The HVCB was in the “Large” category, and in the local rounds, prevailed over Zippy’s Restaurants, the Turtle Bay Resort, and the Mauna Lani Bay Hotel and Bungalows. Nationally, the HVCB beat the online writing service Grammarly.

By taking the top spot nationally, the HVCB won $10,000 toward its selected charity, the Visitor Aloha Society of Hawaii. The society helps “visitors who have been victims of a crime or other adversities, and to provide follow-up assistance and support in an effort to create a positive memory of their stay in our islands.”

Here’s PBN coverage of the contest and subsequent comments from a Facebook official:

Hawaii Visitors and Convention Bureau wins national Social Madness competition

The Hawaii Visitors and Convention Bureau was crowned the winner Tuesday of PBN’s Social Madness, besting grammar website Grammarly to win the social media challenge, along with $10,000 to donate to charity.

The HVCB, which made it to the national round of last year’s Social Madness only to be knocked out by Hard Rock International, plans to donate its $10,000 to the Visitor Aloha Society of Hawaii.

Strong brand voice on Facebook essential for Hawaii tourism

Hundreds of Hawaii’s visitor industry stakeholders heard directly from a representative of the world’s largest social network Thursday about the importance of having a strong brand voice on Facebook.

“I’m biased, but I’m also passionate about this — I really am — because I think the opportunity is so huge,” David Parfect, manager of global marketing solutions for Facebook Inc. (Nasdaq: FB) , told attendees at the Hawaii Tourism Authority’s annual Hawaii Tourism Conference.

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